Thursday, June 8, 2023

Nicholas's letter to Alix for her birthday, May 23/June 5, 1889


George Hawkins at Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook

The letter:

Zarsko Selo May 23 89
Darling Alix,
Just a wee line to send you my very best wishes on your birthday, which is in two days. I am now here in the Hussars serving with delight. I see Ella rather often and we always speak about your stay in Petersburg. It seems to have been so long ago! Now the weather is lovely. I don't remember such a spring with such heats! Have you heard about the betrothal of the eldest Montenegrian with Petioucha? The Shah of Persia was too funny during his stay in Russia.
God bless you dearest Alix.
One of the pelly party.

Above: Alix.

Above: Nicholas.

Note: "Pelly" was Nicholas's and Alix's mutual nickname for each other before and during their courtship days.

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